You Can Be A Man Ho’ And Still Win Athlete Of The Decade!
Violence against women still garners no justice for the women affected by it (until now).
Yes, cheating on your wife is a form of violence against women. Violence can be physical, it can be emotional, and it can also be psychological.
The man the Associated Press, and the nation, crown the best golfer in the world, has now become athlete of the decade.
Despite a man's nearly 14 transgressions, the breakup of his family, the shame, embarrassment, emotional pain, and possible health risk bestowed upon his wife (think about it), a man can still come out on top.
This clearly is a slap in the face to women everywhere. Clearly there is a double standard here, as well. One that says if you're a man behaving badly, you can keep your title, but if you're a woman behaving badly, you lose your crown.
Beauty queens lose their crowns for posing nude, dating, being pregnant , allegedly fighting, and much less, while a man who the world now knows had ‘inappropriate relations’ with at least (at least) twelve women while married, gets named Athlete of the Decade.
What message are we sending to young boys and young men? That it's okay to treat women like dirt, and still receive awards and other accolades?
Tiger’s ‘transgressions’: lying, putting his wife in harm’s way (think about it), and bestowing upon her the title, Member of the Tiger Woods’ First Wives Club, sends the message that men still get away with being bad, and women still carry the brunt of the consequences.
Women, over the ages and in most instances, have stood by their man (like a fool) and have rewarded their man by continuing to allow them to treat them like less of a human being.
Yet society wonders why young girls have self esteem issues.
Thankfully Women of the Decade like Rihanna, Shaunie O’Neal, and Jennie Sanford have said enough is enough, and “I’m not going to take it any more!
Finally, women are getting it and leaving their abusers while calling men on the carpet for their many transgressions.
Congratulations! We need more like ya!
For all the women going through it with your man, your spouse, or sig other remember these words for the next generation of girls and women to come after you.
You can bet Elin Woods is miles ahead on this one.
P.S. Just for the record, not ALL women "throw themselves" at powerful men as some men have being saying (in their pitiful attempt to put the blame on someone else other than themselves) whenever a married man sleeps with someone who isn't his wife. Some men enjoy the conquest. After all, it's not like you were tied up against your will, and made to have sex. I hardly doubt it.
The views expressed in this article are INDEED those of the author, and DO INDEED reflect those of the author.
If you must stay, then at least read this.
Tiger Woods The Cheater, A Learned Behavior?
Tiger Ain't Talkin'!
Will It Ever End?
Athlete Falls From Truck After Feuding With Female
Ravens' Star Finds New Use For Bleach
Beyonce's Mom Files For Divorce Guess Why?
Rick Pitino's Other Bathroom Uses
Violence against women still garners no justice for the women affected by it (until now).
Yes, cheating on your wife is a form of violence against women. Violence can be physical, it can be emotional, and it can also be psychological.
The man the Associated Press, and the nation, crown the best golfer in the world, has now become athlete of the decade.
Despite a man's nearly 14 transgressions, the breakup of his family, the shame, embarrassment, emotional pain, and possible health risk bestowed upon his wife (think about it), a man can still come out on top.
This clearly is a slap in the face to women everywhere. Clearly there is a double standard here, as well. One that says if you're a man behaving badly, you can keep your title, but if you're a woman behaving badly, you lose your crown.
Beauty queens lose their crowns for posing nude, dating, being pregnant , allegedly fighting, and much less, while a man who the world now knows had ‘inappropriate relations’ with at least (at least) twelve women while married, gets named Athlete of the Decade.
What message are we sending to young boys and young men? That it's okay to treat women like dirt, and still receive awards and other accolades?
Tiger’s ‘transgressions’: lying, putting his wife in harm’s way (think about it), and bestowing upon her the title, Member of the Tiger Woods’ First Wives Club, sends the message that men still get away with being bad, and women still carry the brunt of the consequences.
Women, over the ages and in most instances, have stood by their man (like a fool) and have rewarded their man by continuing to allow them to treat them like less of a human being.
Yet society wonders why young girls have self esteem issues.
Thankfully Women of the Decade like Rihanna, Shaunie O’Neal, and Jennie Sanford have said enough is enough, and “I’m not going to take it any more!
Finally, women are getting it and leaving their abusers while calling men on the carpet for their many transgressions.
Congratulations! We need more like ya!
For all the women going through it with your man, your spouse, or sig other remember these words for the next generation of girls and women to come after you.
It’s okay to say “No way. It's okay to say "This is unexceptable", and still be caring. It’s okay to say “No, I won’t” and still be kind. It’s okay to say “This is over” and still be friendly. And sometimes saying “No” is the nicest thing to do, for everyone, in the long run.In closing, thankfully there are also women like Evana Trump who have triumphed over divorce (and all the other items we haven’t learned about during her marriage with the Donald) while coining the 1990's Women’s Anthem that is now making a comeback, “Don’t get mad, get everything”.
You can bet Elin Woods is miles ahead on this one.
P.S. Just for the record, not ALL women "throw themselves" at powerful men as some men have being saying (in their pitiful attempt to put the blame on someone else other than themselves) whenever a married man sleeps with someone who isn't his wife. Some men enjoy the conquest. After all, it's not like you were tied up against your will, and made to have sex. I hardly doubt it.
The views expressed in this article are INDEED those of the author, and DO INDEED reflect those of the author.
If you must stay, then at least read this.
Tiger Woods The Cheater, A Learned Behavior?
Tiger Ain't Talkin'!
Will It Ever End?
Athlete Falls From Truck After Feuding With Female
Ravens' Star Finds New Use For Bleach
Beyonce's Mom Files For Divorce Guess Why?
Rick Pitino's Other Bathroom Uses