Athletes For Purpose

Thankfully we have athletes that support good causes.

Good causes like Becky's Fund, an organization that brings awareness to, and does its part in help stamping out domestic violence, in all its forms.

While checking my email this morning, I received a newsletter from BF with a recap of this year's annual 'Walk This Way' fashion show. (We missed this year's event, but you can click here to see our coverage of last year).

Along with the email was a link to an article written (a must read) last month by sports columnist Scoop Jackson, who points out the issue of domestic violence among athletes.

Among them, George Huguely, Floyd Mayweather, Mel Gibson, and too many others to mention.

I commend Becky for her efforts in helping to rid violence against women (and men), and hope one day it will cease to exist in our society.

You can read Scoop's article here, and get info about domestic violence Becky's Fund here.
