James Calls His Girl, "A Sidekick"

Sidekick. Isn't that a device used for communicating with another person? The small, but trendy phone you slip into your back pocket? Into a front dress shirt? Into man bag or ladies' purse?

Not anymore. It's what LeBron James calls his long-time girlfriend, and mother of his two young boys.

Savannah Brinson. Long-time girl (and "great sidekick") of LeBron James.

In this month's issue of Harper's Bizaar magazine James' girlfriend, Savannah Brinson, who admits initially not liking the move-to-Miami idea, is featured.

And while the lovely Ms. Brinson talks fondly of her life with the mega NBA star and father of her two young boys, her 'man' clearly describes her in another light.

"A person like myself always needs a great sidekick and a person you can rely on no matter the circumstances. And she’s that. She’s got my back, and I love her for that", said James.


Ironically Savannah is the creator of an "empowerment weekend" for girls called Girl, Listen where she is quoted as saying that "so many girls have jaded opinions about things." Savannah wants to do her part to help girls "realize that anything is possible".

Really? Does that include marriage and not being called a sidekick by the man with whom you've had a relationship since high school?

What next? Instead of the boys saying, 'Hey, Mom', they're going to call her 'Hey, Sidekick'? (Not that Savannah would allow that).

Both are insulting and disrespectful.

Girl, listen! No woman in a longterm relationship should ever, ever, eh-va be satisfied being called a man's sidekick.

side·kick   /ˈsaɪdˌkɪk/ –noun
1. a close friend.
2. a confederate or assistant.

This is another ill will sentiment toward women by LeBron James that causes me to take note.

This is certainly NOT the kind of behavior or message society should send to young boys, and definitely not the kind of behavior that young girls (or women, for that matter) should tolerate.

While I applaud James' athletic prowess and his seemingly good business sense, I'm left wondering, however, given this latest remark about another pivital woman in his life, if LeBron James even respects women at all.

Not hatin'. Just saying. And wishing them both well.


Anonymous said…
I too, think he should have not used such a word to describe the mother of his kids.
Anonymous said…
Go, Miami!
Anonymous said…
Sidekick? Are you kidding me?
No respecting woman would accept that.

I wish my husband of 30 years WOULD call me his sidekick.

He'd get kicked, alright. Right in HIS sidekick.
Carol_fromMaine said…
Nicely written.
MikeDarylJoe said…
Oh, oh. I see another addition to Basketball Wives.
AllthatIamIowe said…
Shanahan wears the gameday pants better.