The 14th Annual "Heart to Heart Tennis Experience," founded and hosted by The Recreation Wish List Committee (RWLC) in partnership with the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and presented by Events DC, will feature a day-long tournament of doubles tennis matches at the SETLC among junior and adult tennis players. A silent auction also will be one of the featured highlights, and the event promises to be a spectacular day of fun, fundraising and learning for a cause.
Former DC Mayor Anthony Williams, Washington Kastles Owner and Community Leader Mark Ein To Be Honored this Saturday, October 27 from 8am to 3 pm at the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center (SETLC) 701 Mississippi Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20032.
Event to host: Vincent C. Gray Mayor, District of Columbia, Anthony Williams Former Mayor, District of Columbia, Mark Ein Owner, Washington Kastles, Richey Reneberg Professional Tennis Player,
Danny Waldman Professional Tennis Player, Jack Evans District of Columbia Councilmember, (D-Ward 2), Tommy Wells District of Columbia Councilmember, (D-Ward 6), Yvette Alexander District of Columbia Councilmember, (D-Ward 7), Cora Masters Barry Founder & CEO, RWLC, Jesús Aguirre DPR Director, Erik A. Moses Managing Director of Events DC's Sports and Entertainment Division
The Recreation Wish List Committee (RWLC) brings together public and private resources to support the programs and facilities of DPR. The greatest undertaking of RWLC was the construction of the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center (SETLC) completed in 2001, which encourages young people to learn about the game of tennis in a nurturing environment while focusing on education. For more information visit:
About the SETLC
The Southeast Tennis and Learning Center (SETLC) is a world-class, state-of-the art, $5.1 Million tennis facility located in Ward 8. The Center serves over 85 District youth daily by providing tennis instruction, tutoring, life skills, developmental chess, and educational and personal reinforcement to the District's youth.
To participate in this year's "Heart to Hart Tennis Experience," click HERE to register.
The 14th Annual "Heart to Heart Tennis Experience," founded and hosted by The Recreation Wish List Committee (RWLC) in partnership with the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and presented by Events DC, will feature a day-long tournament of doubles tennis matches at the SETLC among junior and adult tennis players. A silent auction also will be one of the featured highlights, and the event promises to be a spectacular day of fun, fundraising and learning for a cause.
Former DC Mayor Anthony Williams, Washington Kastles Owner and Community Leader Mark Ein To Be Honored this Saturday, October 27 from 8am to 3 pm at the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center (SETLC) 701 Mississippi Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20032.
Event to host: Vincent C. Gray Mayor, District of Columbia, Anthony Williams Former Mayor, District of Columbia, Mark Ein Owner, Washington Kastles, Richey Reneberg Professional Tennis Player,
Danny Waldman Professional Tennis Player, Jack Evans District of Columbia Councilmember, (D-Ward 2), Tommy Wells District of Columbia Councilmember, (D-Ward 6), Yvette Alexander District of Columbia Councilmember, (D-Ward 7), Cora Masters Barry Founder & CEO, RWLC, Jesús Aguirre DPR Director, Erik A. Moses Managing Director of Events DC's Sports and Entertainment Division
The Recreation Wish List Committee (RWLC) brings together public and private resources to support the programs and facilities of DPR. The greatest undertaking of RWLC was the construction of the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center (SETLC) completed in 2001, which encourages young people to learn about the game of tennis in a nurturing environment while focusing on education. For more information visit:
About the SETLC
The Southeast Tennis and Learning Center (SETLC) is a world-class, state-of-the art, $5.1 Million tennis facility located in Ward 8. The Center serves over 85 District youth daily by providing tennis instruction, tutoring, life skills, developmental chess, and educational and personal reinforcement to the District's youth.
To participate in this year's "Heart to Hart Tennis Experience," click HERE to register.