HBO Sports’ groundbreaking “24/7” reality franchise, which joins forces with the National Hockey League to take viewers inside one of the NHL’s great rivalries, the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals, for HBO's 24/7 series, PENGUINS/CAPITALS: ROAD TO THE NHL WINTER CLASSIC.
HBO Sports follows the two clubs simultaneously, chronicling their highs and lows each week. The teams will meet in a Dec. 23 regular-season matchup on the Capitals’ home ice, leading into episode three of 24/7 PENGUINS/CAPITALS, as the build-up intensifies for the Jan. 1 showdown at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh.
The HBO Sports presentation debuts in prime time WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15 (10:00-11:00 p.m. ET/PT), with an immediate encore at 11:00 p.m.