Former Georgetown Coach John Thompson At The Washington Auto Show!

The John Thompson Show was broadcast live at the Washington Auto Show on Thursday. DC UrbanSports caught up with its host, coach John Thompson, after the show. 

Coach Thompson on the WashingtonAuto Show 
DCUS: Coach, what are your thoughts on the Auto Show? 

Coach John Thompson: “I love being down here. First of all you get a chance to fantasize, to look at a lot of things [vehicles] that you can’t touch. You can’t purchase some of these cars, particularly the way the economy is, but I think it’s a great thing to be able to walk in one place. There are so many beautiful things here. You never are able to see everything; it’s such a big place.” 

DCUS: So, none of the cars on exhibit are inspiring you to go out and purchase anything?

Coach John Thompson: I don’t think they are. I have a car from American Service Center that I’m just absolutely happy with. That’s why I’m over here where the Mercedes Benz are, because it gives me an opportunity to go back to ASC and ask them, ‘Why can’t you get me one of those?’ 

Coach Thompson on the Super Bowl. 
DCUS: We have a lot of Steelers fans in the area. What is your take on the Super Bowl? 

Coach John Thompson: “I had mixed emotions, to tell you the truth. I thought that the Steelers would win, and I wanted the Steelers to win in a lot of ways; but Kirk Warner got my fancy a little bit with how he’s conducted himself and how he’s lived his life.” 

DCUS: He’s been somewhat of an unknown until the Super Bowl, you think? 

Coach John Thompson: “He may be somewhat of an unknown for some people, but I’ve known some of the stories and you know, he’s experienced hardships and he’s come back from them.” 
“You know that the guy tends to try to live the life that he talks about. So, there’s a certain amount of respect with athletes (and anybody) who’s hit the top [then] hit the bottom and then start to come back again. If you stop and think about it, the man came out of the Arena League so I don’t know many people who participated in athletics who can identify with the roller coaster career that he’s had.” 

DCUS: On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate that Super Bowl performance? 

Coach John Thompson: “From those that I’ve seen, I would definitely say it’s up there in the 4s. I can’t remember one that to tell you the truth, that I’ve enjoyed any more than that.” 

Coach Thompson on JT3 at Georgetown. (John Thompson, III, Georgetown University’s men’s’ basketball head coach, had suffered a five-game losing streak, prior to winning this week’s game against Rutgers.) 

DCUS: What advice would you give your son right now? 

Coach John Thompson: I don’t give him any advice. I’ve done that all my life; fussing and talking, this is no special advice. I think John is d*mn good at what he does. You go through certain aspects of it [coaching], and you pay dues in this business; but I think he’s fine. He’s done what he’s had to do.

“Kids don’t listen to their parents anyway; they listen to everybody else.”
