In Washington, New York Gets Some Love.

President Obama Congratulates The World Champion New York Yankees

With a few Yankees fans in attendance (Treasury Tim Geithner, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood), the President welcomed the reigning New York Yankees to the White House yesterday commending them for winning the World Series, and congratulated players for their work off the field.

The president recognized Mark Teixeira who set up a scholarship in the name of a high school friend who had been killed in a car accident; and Jorge Posada.

Jorge and his wife reach out to families who aren’t as fortunate as they are -– offering resources, providing a support network for parents, helping children who suffer from the disease live healthy and happier lives. The couple have a son with a rare birth defect.

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"In the end, that’s what makes the Yankees special. It’s not simply the names on the roster or the size of their trophy case -– it’s the people underneath the pinstripes that set this team apart. It’s the players and coaches who shoulder a legacy unlike any other, but who share a belief that anybody blessed with first-class talent also has an obligation to be a first-class person", said Obama.

"That’s what being a Yankee is all about. That’s why I want to congratulate this team –- for winning the World Series, and for showing every young person what it means to be a true professional."

The Yankees defeated the Philadelphia Phillies 7-2 to win the '09 series. Their record stands at 27 World Series titles; with 48 Hall of Famers, and won an impressive 103 games last season.

The Yankees' next game happens to be today against the Orioles in Camden Stadium.
