Fill In The Blank!

That ________ is ___________!

Just when we thought the Salahi's breaching White House security was enough, the world finds out that Michaele Salahi has been living out her fantasies - in real time - for a long time.

As more and more 'episodes' of The Real Fraudulent - and Dysfunctional - Life of Michaele Salahi (I coined it first) unfold, we find that she's not only living out her dreams in the world of politics, but in the sports world, as well.

Michaele thought she was a former Redskins cheerleader in another life, and even went onto Fed Ex Field and performed during a Redskins game in September,(accepting the challenge).

I'm willing to bet there are some mental issues that need to be addressed with this chick and her husband. What else could it be?

Oh, I forgot. Fame and fortune.

For the record, former Redskins cheerleaders confirm that Michaele Salahi was never an official Redskins cheerleader.

The only events where the Salahi couple don't show up, are those they're invited to.

Hey Michaele, here's an invite you can actually participate in.

On Sunday, December 6, beginning at 11 am the United States Marine Corps will collect toys for their 2009 Toys for Tots Campaign before the Washington Redskins kick-off against the New Orleans Saints at FedEx Field.

See you there?

'Watch' this

President Obama's State Dinner

Tiger Woods Christmas Song


Tera Jones234 said…
I'll take a stab at it.

That bi&c* is crazy!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, what she said.