DC Urban Sports Stock Spotlight

DC Urban Sports has selected Under Armour as its stock spotlight for this quarter.

You've probably heard of Under Armour or have seen its infamous logo taking the sportswear industry by storm.

Created by a local University of Maryland college student, Under Armour products can be purchased from over 8700 retail outlets worldwide.

While the Under Armour stock (UA) is down ($4.17) at the time of this article, the stock has increased from around $20 in 2006 to above $60 in 2007.

Their new Under Armour concept store will have a grand opening today at the Westfield Annapolis Mall.

For information on mall hours and directions go to http://westfield.com/annapolis.

For info on Under Armour see their web site at http://www.underarmour.com/shop.

Track this stock.

Our disclaimer: We make no claims on stock selection. Just our opionion. Contact your financial advisor for stock purchasing advice.
