What Martin Lawrence and Snoop Dogg (Lion) Have In Common With Ridiculous Owners

Clippers owner reveals his true, racist self - again, and the American people, from all walks of life, are having their say.  You can follow the story lines on TMZ. (They've spoken to everyone).

Snoop Dogg had a few things to say in his Instagram video message to Donald Sterling that reminded me a lot of an old Martin Lawrence episode.

Martin had a problem with an owner, too. Seemingly, no matter what you do, you still get spat upon.  Go in at the 3:38 mark to get to the really good stuff.

[President Obama calls Sterling ignorant]  [Sterling says African Americans are dogs that he feeds] [Clippers take a unified stand against owner]

Lastly, in my "Jake From State Farm" commercial voice, "He looks hideous."
Well, he's a racist, white guy, so.

Donald Sterling, you are the Bamma of the Week! Week! Week!

Los Angeles Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, sits courtside looking hideous -- and pregnant.
Related - What folk are saying

Etan Thomas - Donald Sterling has been a racist for a long time.
Clippers Don't Know What Sterling's Voice Sounds Like? (Give Me A Break!)
What's Blake Griffin Saying? -  IDK.  **Update** What he did?  Take a (another) look.
NAACP Planned to Honor Sterling. What??  **Update** Decides not to.
Nothing (yet) from Washington Wizards/Caps Owner on Sterling/NBA

**Update**   Wizards' owner gives his take on "hate speech" and "discrimination".  Wizards advance in Playoffs with a 98-89 home win over Chicago to take a 3-1 lead.  The 7 game series continues Tuesday night in Chicago at 8 p.m.  #DCrising.  #dcRising.
